Photography and costume art


HORTENSIA “Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

I´ve had an incredible creative need for the last couple of weeks. What a way to start a new year. Never have I´ve done so many creative projects in such a short amount of time. I just want to create. Love this feeling. Something else I love, is the fact that I´m surrounded with an amazing team of creative souls. People who share the same aesthethics when it comes to creating a picture. It makes everything so much easier.

Hortensia, was something that had been lurking in my mind for a while. I wanted to do something with flowers. Not too romantic, that really is not my style at all. Me and my magician aka makeupartist Tiina Lamberg had arranged some space in our calendars for a creative shoot, we just didn´t have a model, since the girl we had chosen never anwsered our request. It´s usually hard to arrange a free spot for these kinds of shoots, so we didn´t want to waste our moment. In just one day we came up with this concept and found the perfect girl to be our model. Finally we could use the flower idea. Well it´s winter, no flowers, unless you want to buy some. We really don´t have any budgets for our shoots, so the less money we need to spend, the better. I remembered I had seen some dried Hydrangeas at Tiina´s place, and suggested we would use them. They are really cool looking, I love the color. The day of the shoot came quickly. We were all really exited, never really sure what will come out of it. We knew somehing great, but it´s always exiting to see the results. We never make too strict plans, and leave room for change and creativity. I wanted to make a painted look to the final pictures, and a moody atmosphere.

Photo/Edit/concept: Mikaela Holmberg

MUAH: Tiina Lamberg

Model: Petra